Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hi, yesterday I had my sewing class. It went sooo well. I made a really cute hat and a scarf. I also started a oven mit. My teacher also had a apron and a pot holder. I decided to do the oven mit instead of the apron because I made a apron last year for my mom for x-mas. I'll try to post a day or two. Madeline


  1. So glad it went well Madeline! Yes, you should definitely post some pictures!


  2. Hey Madeline, I'm still mad about how you tricked me with that pig story. Juuuuust kidding!! i miss you. Will you tell your daddy y'all need to come visit again because someone dropped the key to the gas fireplace down in thatlittle hole---AGAIN. And.... I don't know anyone else patient enough to sit there and get it out. We miss you guys.

    I know you are going to do so well in your sewing class.

  3. Will you tell your momma I cant find her blog.

  4. Hey Madeline, I love your blog! Your background is so cute! Happy New Year!

